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How many square meters are the battery lines of electric cars?

For small cars, the starting national standard copper is 16 square meters. However, if it is a large engineering vehicle, it must be mentioned separately. The recommended national standard pure copper is 25 square meters. If it is lower than the recommended value, it is difficult to jump start the engine. Select appropriate wires and cables according to vehicle type.

With a certain power and voltage, the thicker the wire is, the smaller the resistance is, and the greater the final current transmitted to the motor. It is recommended to use thicker wires or tie two thin wires together. Unless otherwise specified, the standard 16 square copper wire is generally used, and the 25 square copper wire is required.

Extended data (supplementary):

Precautions for use of automobile battery:

Make sure that the auxiliary battery is 12 V and that the negative terminal is grounded. Of course, all unnecessary lights and accessories should also be turned off to avoid electric accidents.

Never connect the positive and negative poles of the cable reversely, or sparks will jump out when the cable is connected, and we also need to wrap the cable and the battery tightly (fully contact) to avoid the phenomenon of fire jump during the connection.

Start the engine of the vehicle with the auxiliary battery and run the engine at medium speed. Then start the engine of the vehicle with the discharged battery.

For more EV HV Cable and electric vehicle High-Voltage cable, please visit OMG official website: https://www.omgevcable.com

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